Consumer Reporting


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Consumer Reporting


I have been asked to cover these questions

Who is responsible for the patients¥ reporting system? When was it set up?

Why was it set up?

An example: Lorazepam

How is the system promoted to consumers?

What results have there been so far? Consumers:

What results have there been so far? Health care system:

What results have there been so far? Authorities:

What results have there been so far? Politicians:

What results have there been so far? National/International bodies:

An example - How do they report? Sertraline (Zoloft)

The 25 most reported professional (PR) ADR-symptoms and the number of consumer reports (CR) on the same symptoms

The 25 most reported consumer (CR) ADR-symptoms and the number of professional reports (PR) on the same symptoms

How do they report? Sertraline (Zoloft) CR = 327 PR = 437

How do they report? Sertraline (Zoloft) CR = 327 PR = 437

How do they report? Sertraline (Zoloft) CR = 327 PR = 437

How do they report? Sertraline (Zoloft) CR = 327 PR = 437

How do they report? Sertraline (Zoloft) CR = 327 PR = 437

What is done with the data? - in terms of raising issues with regulators?

What is done with the data? - in terms of feedback to those submitting a report?

What connections are there with other reporting systems - within the same country? - in other countries, or at European (EMEA) or international (UMC) level?

Author: Kersti Andersson
